Thursday, December 27, 2007


I know I am! I had a terrific Christmas and was spoiled rotten by my family. I got a Cricut and a gift certificate to HL and Michael's (which I quickly put to use as soon as the stores opened yesterday). And as if that wasn't enough. DH surprised me with a beautiful diamond ring. I was completely caught off guard and there were plenty of hugs and tears. I sure do feel loved!!!!
I finally got time today to play with my Cricut! I have to tell you, I love this thing. Here is a card that I made earlier today!

All of the shapes were cut using my Cricut and the Mini Monograms cartridge. Add ribbon, Primas and jewel dots and some cuttlebugging and there you have it. A super quick and simple card!

What did you get for Christmas?

Have a great day!


Maria said...

Hi Becky!

Wow, a diamond ring! How sweet of your hubby! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas!

Hope your New Year will be as wonderful!

Your blog sister,

Lori said...

What a wonderful holiday you had! Surprises like that ring are always so nice. I love the card you made with your new Cricut.

Dawn Easton said...

Becky, your card is wonderful! I don't own a cricut but really would like one...hehe! Glad to hear you ahd a nice Christmas! I got a new diamond ring last year, and like you, tons of tears! I was shocked and thrilled!
Happy Holidays to you all!

My Paper World said...

Awwww! Lucky you! Your card is beautiful too!

Crissy said...

Congrats on your Cricut and diamond ring! (not sure which is better????)

Beautiful card!


ScrapMomOf2 said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! I did too! I got THREE Cricut cartridges and LOTS of other fun crafting items. My husband and my daughters completely spoiled me. I'm so very fortunate! Happy New Year!!

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Oh yeah, GREAT card! It's gorgeous!

Flabbernoogles said...

A diamond ring! WOW...what a great hubby! sounds like great Christmas' were had all DH gave me a giftcard to get a massage at a local spa!

L.A. said...

Hi Becky,
Great card! I wish you many hours of fun with your Cricut!

Under our tree I found a few gift cards from Michael's, a new pair of fur lined Croc's (they are as ugly as they are comfortable) and an 80GB iPod Classic from my husband.

Have a Happy and Healthy 2008!

Lori SBS2

Michelle Pearson said...

This is beautiful the color choices! Don't be making me *need* a cricut now!! ;)

mel m. m. mccarthy said...

Congrats on your cricut and your genuine bling! ;0) Can't wait to see more of your projects in the new year. Your work is stunning! :0) Mel


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